Apr 22, 2017

Refactor me

This repository represents a step by step refactoring of a dirty code given me as a test task to estimate my coding skills. The only remark about the code was: "refactor_me.py is expected to contain Python 3.5.x code" (actually file naming was not provided in the task).

I did it in a way that every commit contains one particular change described in the commit message. The original dirty code can be found in this commit: 1036c091cb70ef110b4e56702bdc012c8a110336

Remarks on final result:

  • 100 character line length limit is used on purpose

Please, do not hesitate to submit pull requests for improvements if you feel that I missed something.

Apr 16, 2017

My repo stats

My prospective clients and employers often ask me to show some code before agreeing to work with me. Unfortunately (or fortunately), most of the code I have wrote has been written professionally therefore the code is covered by NDA and closed sourced. I can not disclose the code, but it is OK to publish some stats to shed light on what I have done in the past as a software developer.

Lamoda / Senior Developer

Repository Frameworks Period Total lines My lines at the latest commit My contribution My lines + / - Python lines
apilib SQLAlchemy Apr, 2013 - May, 2015 40,695 18,738 46% +32,063 / -12,891 30,002 (74%)
apigateway Spyne Apr, 2013 - May, 2015 5,768 2,725 47% +6,464 / -4,830 4,631 (80%)

Saprun / Team Leader / Architect

Repository Frameworks Period Total lines My lines at the latest commit My contribution My lines + / - Python lines
NDA_core Django, Celery Jun, 2015 - Aug, 2016 43,972 7,223 16% +26,497 / -31,412 36,819 (84%)
NDA_communication Autobahn / Crossbar Aug, 2015 - Jul, 2016 1,657 589 36% - 779 (47%)

Diamondmine / Senior Developer

Repository Frameworks Period Total lines My lines at the latest commit My contribution My lines + / - Python lines
diamondmine-server Django Jul, 2016 - Oct, 2016 5,393 5,204 96% +6,284 / -775 1,801 (33%)
diamondmine-processor Celery Jul, 2016 - Sep, 2016 1,689 1,689 100% +2,501 / -812 1,367 (81%)

Semilimes / Senior Developer

Repository Frameworks Period Total lines My lines at the latest commit My contribution My lines + / - Python lines
NDA Flask Nov, 2016 - Dec, 2016 21,466 2,595 12% +4,589 / -4029 11,506 (54%)

Trounceflow / Team Leader

Repository Frameworks Period Total lines My lines at the latest commit My contribution My lines + / - Python lines
website Django Dec, 2016 - Mar, 2017 22,212 2,797 13% +13,195 / -11,123 19,035 (86%)

Acura Capital / Senior Developer

Repository Frameworks Period Total lines My lines at the latest commit My contribution My lines + / - Python lines
NDA-poller gevent Jan, 2017 - Apr, 2017 6,012 6,012 100% +18,441 / -12429 5,381 (90%)
NDA-bidder gevent Mar, 2017 - Apr, 2017 1,730 1,730 100% +2,366 / -636 1,272 (74%)
NDA-common - Mar, 2017 - Apr, 2017 1,991 1,991 100% +2,280 / -289 1,737 (87%)

Open source projects

Repository Frameworks Period Total lines My lines at the latest commit My contribution My lines + / - Python lines
pascal_triangle - Apr, 2015 - Apr, 2017 2,840 2,840 100% +10,546 / -7,706 1,239 (44%)
dmu-utils - Mar, 2017 - Apr, 2017 372 372 100% +379 / -7 261 (70%)

Mar 25, 2017

HackerRank stats

My current HackerRank stats:
Contest (World) Contest (Russia) Practice (World) Practice (Russia)
Top 10% 30% 10% -
Percentile 91.47 71.08 92 -
Rank 10 247 (out of 120 108) 504 (out of 1 743) 3 049 (out of 757 851) 82 (out of 7 748)

Jan 7, 2017

Definition of Done

This is a sample definition of done that I use in mature development process environments.

Task is considered done if all of the below conditions are met:

  1. Source code that corresponds to the task description has been developed
  2. Unit tests for the task that test the source code are have been developed
  3. All unit tests (including developed for the task) pass successfully
  4. New features are covered by integration test
  5. Integration test passes successfully
  6. Changes that describe installation and migration process related to the task are provided in corresponding documentation or deployment scripts
  7. Change log is updated
  8. Pull request has passed code review (all comments are either covered by fixes or somehow resolved with responsible reviewer) and merged to upstream repository
  9. Notes for QA people are added to the task
  10. Task deployment provided for test environment
  11. The task has passed manual testing successfully: discovered bugs are either fixed or brought out to separate issues for later fixing
  12. The task has been deployed to live, it does not expose bugs and shows correct behavior in live